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From Queries to Clarity: AURRA’s Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions

What is the AURRA treatment?

AURRA is an innovative treatment for straightening teeth and correcting common dental issues using digital technology and clear aligner trays overseen by your dental team. Virtually invisible and easily removable, AURRA is a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional metal braces. It delivers remarkable smile outcomes faster and with more flexibility than other treatment methods. 


What types of smiles can AURRA fix?

It’s important to first have your dentist look at your oral condition and make a diagnosis about your teeth before you begin. Generally, most individuals will benefit from the AURRA treatment to correct common dental issues such as:   crossbites,  underbites,  overbites,  gapped teeth  crooked teeth,   crowded teeth, tipped teeth and more.


Is AURRA right for me?

Most people will benefit from the AURRA treatment to correct common dental issues and improve their smiles. AURRA Aligner therapy is suitable for most ages, from adolescence through adulthood.


I previously wore braces, and my teeth shifted, can I straighten my teeth with AURRA?

Yes. If you have a wire at the back of your teeth from wearing metal braces, your dentist will need to remove the wire prior to the AURRA treatment, but it's a great way to return your remarkable smile.


How much time does AURRA treatment take?

On average, the AURRA dental aligner treatment takes about half the time compared to wearing traditional metal braces. Typically, count on wearing your AURRA aligners for a year, depending on the complexity of your dental concerns.          


What is the AURRA process?

Your first consultation involves an examination with your dentist, who makes a diagnosis and recommendation, followed by a 3D digital scan to assess your teeth and bite. The images are then uploaded for the AURRA digital team to create a customized treatment plan. The process usually takes 2-4 weeks for the trays to be designed, fabricated, and your AURRA smile case to be shipped to your dental office. During the AURRA journey, your dental team collaborates with you through in-person follow-ups to ensure are tracking properly.


Does wearing aligners hurt?

Rarely will you have any pain associated with wearing your AURRA trays. For the first few days of wearing your new aligners, your teeth may feel a little tender, especially with chewing. During this time, we recommend eating softer foods. If you develop a headache, take appropriate headache relief. Changing to the new trays before sleep can help alleviate the issue.


How often do I wear my AURRA aligners?

To get the fastest smile results you want, be prepared to wear your AURRA aligner trays for 20-22 hours a day. Yes, it means wearing them while sleeping, but you’ll hardly notice. And when you eat/drink (or kiss), it’s quick and easy to remove the aligners.


How often do I change my AURRA aligner trays?

Typically, you’ll wear your aligner set for about two weeks, and then replace the old set with the next scheduled trays. You’ll come in every six weeks for a tracking assessment and to pick up your next three sets of AURRA trays. The dental appointments for tracking are quick and should take about 10 minutes.       


Can I talk while wearing AURRA aligners?

Yes. Most patients quickly get used to wearing the AURRA aligners and find it easy to speak normally, without any problems. Can you whistle? Well, did you whistle before wearing the aligners? Like most things in life, you easily adapt.


Can I kiss while wearing my AURRA aligners?

Sure. You can easily and discreetly remove the trays for a kiss, but even if it's a spontaneous smooch, don't worry. While you may initially feel uneasy, it's certainly easier to kiss while wearing the trays versus traditional braces with brackets in your mouth. Now pucker up!


What's a tooth attachment?

An attachment refers to a small tooth-coloured bump on the tooth made with the same material as fillings and attached to the tooth with a special light. This assists with tooth movements that may be complex. Not everyone needs attachments. Each case is unique, like your smile.


What is IPR?

When speaking to your dental team, you may hear the term IPR (Interproximal Reduction), which refers to tooth stripping or slenderization. Instead of extracting a tooth, your dentist may remove a small amount of enamel from two adjacent teeth to create space. Not every case requires IPR, but it's more common with crowded teeth.


How do I clean my AURRA aligners?

It's simple. For hygienic purposes, remove your aligners and give them a good rinse with water. And after you brush your teeth, use a soft toothbrush to brush your aligners. Most people use tap water to clean, but some also use a dab of non-abrasive toothpaste. Others use dissolvable retainer tablets—whatever you prefer. For more detailed step-by-step instructions click here.


How much does AURRA cost?

A remarkable smile is priceless and will pay a lifetime of dividends. If you have dental insurance, your plan may cover all or a percentage of the cost for your AURRA treatment. Your dentist may also offer financing options. Talk to your dental team to see what works best for you.